Digital Communication
Online15 MIN + e-book

Arne Møller
Siri Lill Mannes
Arne Møller & Siri Lill Mannes

Online meetings and presentations have become something everyone needs to master. But how can you improve your screen communication skills? What can you do to engage people who are far away? And what should you know about the technical aspects?

When you buy this course, you also get access to an e-book. If you want a physical copy of the book contact

499 NOK
Online15 MIN + e-book

Er kurset for meg?

If you would like to become safer and more effective when talking on screen, this is the right course. The content is relevant if you attend online meetings, teach, or present on camera and microphone.

The Quick Guide to Digital Communication looks at the biggest challenges - and shows you ways to tackle them.

You do not need any prior knowledge to take this course.

Inkludert i kurset

  • This course contains two videos, in total approx. 15 min.
  • When you buy this course, you also get access to an e-book.

Du lærer

  • The difference between physical and digital communication.
  • What’s important when presenting on camera.
  • How to use your voice and body language on screen.

Spørsmål og Svar

  • Is this a course where you learn how to use Teams and Zoom?

    No. This course is not an introduction to the use of meeting tools. It is relevant no matter what platform you use. This course is about how to communicate effectively on camera and screen with words, structure, voice and body language.

  • Can I get a physical copy of the e-booklet?

    Yes. The course booklet is also available in a physical version. This can be ordered directly from SpeakLab at

  • Who takes this course?

    This course is suitable for anyone who presents online, regardless of level and subject area. Customers include private companies, TV 2, public agencies, and lecturers at universities and colleges.

Om kursholderne

  • Arne Møller

    Arne Møller

    Arne Møller er fysioterapeut med spesialutdanning i stemmebruk, tidligere profesjonell fotballspiller og har Norges høyeste trenerutdanning fra Olympiatoppen. Han er en populær instruktør med stor teknisk innsikt. Språk: Norsk og engelsk.

  • Siri Lill Mannes

    Siri Lill Mannes

    Siri Lill har 20 års erfaring fra tv. Hun begynte som utenriksreporter og dekket en rekke store saker før hun ble anker for TV2 Nyhetenes hovedsendinger. Siri Lill har ledet over 200 konferanser fysisk og digitalt, både på nasjonalt og internasjonalt nivå. Språk: Norsk og engelsk.